An Incredible Before & After In Just 12 Months


Dr. Andrew Lemchen discusses how he was able to achieve such amazing results in as little as 12 months, even during the pandemic.

This patient’s transformation went from a small and crowded smile to an overly confident, wide, beautiful smile with presence.

Dr. Lemchen explains that he was able to achieve this for two main reasons:

  1. The patient was very compliant with his Invisalign trays.

  2. The patient was open to our doctors using attachments.

what are attachments?

Attachments are small clear-like buttons that are placed on the teeth to help improve treatment. They are barely noticeable and can make a significant impact in shortening treatment time and in achieving the best results.

To learn more about attachments and this before and after, watch the video above.


Give us a call at 212-755-2333 (Uptown) or 212-871-9835 (Downtown), we’d be more than happy to help!