Orthodontics is about more than just straightening teeth—it’s about crafting healthy, functional, and beautiful smiles that last a lifetime. This patient came to us seeking a solution for the significant crowding in his lower teeth and minor upper crowding, all while prioritizing esthetic, invisible treatment options. 


Early orthodontic assessment and, if necessary, treatment can make a significant difference in a child's dental development and overall facial balance. Dr. Salzer examined a case of a six-year-old patient whose initial evaluation revealed early signs of severe crowding and jaw alignment concerns.


In the world of Orthodontics, there are many situations where the teeth are not the culprit of a bad bite or smile. The size and the relative position of the jaws and their underline bone are to blame. The teeth are just the victim or the symptom.


Dr. Salzer did an amazing job to get this patient ready for his wedding. The only thing left to do now is focus on his bite! Check out the link below for our blog post that goes more into detail on this beautiful transformation!



An amazing case that shows how much of a transformation can be made in one year. The patient was compliant with his aligners and wore his rubber bands, which made things run very smoothly.



This patient had aligner treatment to widen his arches and open his bite. Now, his smile fits and frames his face beautifully.



This patient naturally has an outgoing and confident personality, but felt he needed a “billion dollar smile” to fit his lifestyle as the CEO of a men’s skincare brand. He was strict about his hygiene and wearing his Invisalign and now has a smile that matches his personality.



This patient had a majorly narrow upper jaw, which made her lower jaw shift to the right. To see more details about this case, click the link below.



Although her smile was already beautiful, this case really shows how small tweaks using aligners can make a huge difference.



Adult braces, complicated jaw surgery, and a million rubber bands later and yet, she remained to be the best patient with the best attitude!



Ten months is all it took to transform this smile using @invisalign. To schedule a consultation, click the button below.



This young patient began treatment with a class 3 mandibular shift and her laterals in a crossbite. Her treatment included two years of braces and later on, she had Invisalign. If your teeth have shifted after orthodontic treatment, we can help you get your smile back. To schedule a consultation, contact us below.



This before and after shows why we often recommend earlier treatment. In this case, the young patient gained proper torque on the front teeth – allowing the mandible to come forward naturally to class one. Earlier treatment can also improve the patient’s appearance and protect the teeth from potential damage.



Dr. Salzer created a treatment plan for Mandy that eventually created a fuller and wider smile. She also torqued the front teeth forward, which created more lip support.



This patient requested a more beautiful smile. We used Invisalign to straighten the bottom teeth and she had two veneers added to enlarge her top two lateral incisors.



In addition to braces, this patient had jaw surgery to help improve her facial alignment – allowing her to close her lips properly. We asked her how she felt the results turned out and she answered “AMAZING!!!” 



This patient requested fuller lips and she wanted to create a more symmetrical and aligned look that would allow her cheekbones to appear more prominent and her jaw line to be more pronounced.